Dr. Grumet’s Blog
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How Independent Medical Evaluations Can Help Reduce Teacher Burnout
Independent Medical Examinations provide an unbiased assessment of a teacher’s physical and mental health in the context of their work.
How an Independent Medical Evaluation (IME) Helps Businesses
Learn how an Independent Medical Evaluation (IME), also know as an Independent Psychiatric Evaluations (IPE) is a critical tool for businesses aiming to create a safer and more productive workplace.
Navigating Therapeutic Approaches: Care Model vs. Feedback Informed Therapy (FIT)
The CARE and FIT models aim to improve psychotherapy, but they approach these goals differently. But both depend on a good doctor-patient relationship.
Book Review: Death and the Afterlife (The Berkeley Tanner Lectures)
This is not a book about suicide or depression. It is not even really about “the afterlife” in the sense of personal or spiritual.
Book Review: Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals
Book review by Dr. Ross Grumet: Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals, by Oliver Burkeman
Measurement Based Care Using the PHQ-9 Form
The Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) is a self-report questionnaire that helps psychiatrists understand the mental health status of individuals.
Seeking Psychiatric Help: Should I change my life?
What are some of the reasons people don’t seek psychiatric help? Why it’s so important to overcome these barriers.
Does Mental Health and Mental Illness Mean The Same Thing?
Take a deeper dive into the changing landscape of mental health, including how terms like “illness” and “disease” are being redefined.
Reducing The Risk of Alzheimer’s
Millions of Americans are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s each year. But lifestyle changes can reduce your risk of being an Alzheimer’s statistic.
Are We Burned Out on Burnout?
IMEs, sleep, and seeing a psychiatrist can help with burnout. But there’s more.
What is a Psychiatric Independent Medical Exam (IME)?
What is a psychiatric independent medical exam (IME)? Find out how it can help organizations legally and determine someone’s fitness for duty.
What Do We Really Know About Caffeine?
Caffeine is the most widely used stimulant in the world, but what do we really know about what everyone is putting in their body?
PLACEBO: Fake Sugar Pill OR Basic Human Mechanism
Placebos actually produce positive effects! Why has there been an increase in the placebo effect in the past 50 years?
PSYCHOSOMATIC: A Picture Made Me Sneeze
Is the psychosomatic label avoiding a problem without looking into the details? Psychosomatic symptoms are as real and serious and dangerous as any illnesses.
The writer and reader relationship is like telepathy. But is it one connectome activating other connectomes? Billions of synapses doing their thing, no magic.
It’s All in Your Head; Post-COVID; Gaslighting
Are sufferers from COVID-19 mental long hauler symptoms such as brain fog, fatigue, and depression being gaslighted to think their problems are less real?
To V or not to V, That is the Question
The risk of getting COVID-19 and possible complications (including death) was higher than the risk of getting the vaccine complications (including death)
Long Haulers (COVID-19) And Gaslighting
Will psychiatrists see more young people with memory problems and chronic fatigue due to COVID-19 Long Haulers? Or will the problems be masked by Gaslighting?
The Single Key To Knowing If You Are Addicted
When do actions such as smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol get you into an addiction? How does addiction begin? When does too much become a harmful habit?
Insomnia And Insufficient Sleep
Not getting enough rest? 2 main causes: insomnia and insufficient time for sleep. Perhaps sleep is our natural state and awakenings are the interruption.
Adding Cream To Coffee
Psychiatric problems and habit-forming substance use are indications that your unique brain connectome or wiring diagram is changing.
Catching Things Early
Catching problems early may allow small steps to solutions before things cause harm
Thoughts On Hypnosis, Smoking, And The Virus
Clinical hypnosis not magic but a valid way of getting control, deter smoking, and protecting yourself from feeling vulnerable to the COVID-19 coronavirus.
Ross F. Grumet, MD Receives 2020 Best of Atlanta Award
Ross F. Grumet, MD of Atlanta Psychiatric Specialists Receives 2020 Best of Atlanta Award
Telemedicine Makes Appointments Easier
The preferred appointment method is by telephone or video. Additionally, patients may come to the office to pick up prescriptions or be seen in person as necessary to supplement telemedicine.
What I Am Learning About Psychotherapy
What is Psychotherapy? Treatment or therapy by a trained licensed therapist aimed at changing or stabilizing psychiatric or psychological symptoms and behaviors
What We Don’t Know About Stopping Antidepressants
Stopping antidepressant medication is often complicated. What We Don’t Know About Stopping Antidepressants.
Behind The Scenes In Adult ADHD
Treatment for an adult ADHD diagnosis is successful and sometimes life changing with coaching and FDA approved medication. Dr. Ross Grumet Explores the options.
Is Depression Really Like Asthma?
Why Medical Analogies Don’t Work That Well In Mental Health and Addictions You have a problem: anxiety or lack of focus or chronic unhappiness or overuse of alcohol. You feel different, weak, embarrassed, ashamed. You are told “It’s just like any other problem or illness- no different from having asthma or high blood pressure.” Why …
Alcohol, Sleep, Medication, and How Much Time Do You Really Have?
Medication for alcohol use problems coupled with sleep and psychotherapy can help with anxiety and depression. Dr. Grumet explores the options.
Medication and Self Control
Notice, I said “medication AND self control”, not “medication OR self control”. I think of putting medicine into my body as a method of improving my ability to achieve something I want. Analogies include putting on glasses to focus my vision; wearing shoes to protect my feet; using pencil and paper/ calculator/computer/cell phone to enhance …
Cycles, Self Control, And Checkups
It’s time to be proactive about mental health. Like annual physical exams, regular psychiatric checkups identify risks. Practice prevention for body and mind
Traffic Issues in Front of The APS Office
Prepare for some additional travel time if you are using Peachtree Road anywhere between 14th St and Roswell Rd. The utility poles are being set back by Georgia DOT/GA Power. The project started on 2/18/2019 and is estimated to go through November. Please leave extra time One alternative route is Northside Drive to Deering Rd, …
You Can’t Get Away With It: Sleeplessness Hurts
“I don’t need much sleep.” “I pulled an all-nighter.” “I can always catch up.” We have the illusion that we control what happens in our brains, that we can forgo a sleeping state in favor of a waking one without penalty. No, not true. There is a price to pay- you may decide it is …
My Biggest Mistake In Addiction Medicine
What is the biggest mistake I’ve made over the years in treating alcohol, tobacco, and other substance use problems (heavy use, problem use, addictions)? It’s the failure to remind myself to distinguish between two large groups of substance users, A and B. Which two groups? A little background: Think of the brain as billions of …
Come Visit Us in Our New Location
Atlanta Psychiatric Specialists office has moved, but not far. Effective 12/3/2018 come visit us in our new location at Suite 481 in the South wing of the building. Dr. Grumet is at the same address, but in suite 481 in the South tower (we were in the North tower). Here are easy directions to find our …
Psychiatry is Never Boring
So much is always going on in psychiatry that it’s easy to follow the 11th Commandment, “Don’t Be Bored.” We are beginning to look at psychiatric problems not just in terms of DSM 5 diagnoses, and not just in terms of brain chemistry and genetics, and not just as the interactions of genes and environments …
Adult ADHD: The Decision Making Disorder
Many adults have been hyperactive, restless, or inattentive when they were children. These problems may still be present, especially difficulty reading and remembering the beginning of a sentence when they get to the end. But what most interferes with successful living is a particular handicap: a lack of skill in making decisions, being able to …
Opioids, Anxiety, and Death
Deaths from opioid use are all around us. Some may be suicidal behavior: you can almost see it coming when a heroin user is depressed and doesn’t seem to care much about herself or himself, and indulges in various risky behaviors (even injecting substances into my bloodstream seems an unusually dangerous thing to do when …
XANAX: Controlling, Reducing, Stopping
Xanax is the stand in for all benzodiazepines (BZDs), but it may be more grabbing/intense/problematic than others (Klonopin, Ativan, Valium, etc.) They all work by attaching to the brain’s GABA-A receptors and increasing the amount of GABA (gamma amino butyric acid) in the brain, as well as increasing dopamine. GABA is the main substance in …
Dreaming About Xanax
I awoke from a dream: The whole world, everyone, is using Xanax or a related benzodiazepine (such as Klonopin, Valium, Ativan, Restoril, Librium, Tranxene, Serax, and others). Some are also using a related sleep medication which affects some of the same GABA receptors (Ambien, Lunesta, Sonata). Are we physicians making the same mistakes we made …
Xanax: The Bad and The Beautiful
The trouble with Xanax is that it works too well.” I have said this to my patients who are requesting prescriptions for this medication, generally people I am seeing for the first time who want to continue the medication they have been using over months or years. It works too well in the sense that …
You Already Have Freedom and Control, You Just Need A Little More. No Magic
People come to psychiatrists or therapists for three main reasons: To change their thoughts, feelings, habits and actions, or skills in getting to some goal. To change relationships or social situations, including improving or ending these. To change their living or working environment or to receive something they deserve from another person or business or agency …
One Big Reason for Failure In Substance Use Treatment Programs
What’s wrong with feeling normal? Why don’t opioid addiction programs start immediate treatment with buprenorphine (Suboxone, Subutex, Bunavail, and other forms of buprenorphine) or with naltrexone (in various forms including tablets and Vivitrol)? If treatment isn’t started with these medications, there is an 80% relapse rate after discharge. I saw a young woman recently, let’s …
Is Seeing A Psychiatrist Expensive?
Is Seeing A Psychiatrist Expensive? Being seen and treated by a psychiatrist is not an extravagant medical expense and is not mysterious. Find out the cost of the first visit and the approximate cost of follow up visits. Consider the rewards of any changes you can make and weigh this against the financial and time …
Alcohol or Sleep
Drinking at bedtime doesn’t help with sleep time. Click HERE to learn about how even a few drinks causes restless sleep.
RDoC: What is That?
When you are asked to think of a future meal, like a “vegetable plate”, do you know what you are dealing with? A brilliant chef’s hot farm fresh masterpiece with exciting variations on your favorite tastes? Yesterday’s sour cold mashed potatoes and kale? Something in between? At least you know food without meat is on …
Invocations and Prayers for Insomnia
Invocations, meditations, and prayers for sleep to help with insomnia posted by Dr. Ross Grumet on Sleep Advocate.
Loneliness and Other New Findings
Loneliness has been defined for treatment and diagnostic purposes as comprising a persistent sense of lack of companionship, of feeling left out, and of isolation. This condition of loneliness has been linked to the accumulation of the substance amyloid in the brains of people who are at risk for Alzheimer’s Disease.(JAMA Psychiatry,2016;73(12):1230-1237). Together with mild …
Benzos, Sleep, Memory, Dementia
The following post is recommended: “Benzos, Sleep, Memory, Dementia” See the Sleep Advocate website for more info on dementia issues with some sleeping pills (benzos).
Ask a Question to a Psychiatrist
I need your help in preparing an information manual for potential patients and those considering a psychiatric visit. Please CLICK HERE to answer a one question (confidential) survey. Thanks, Dr. Ross Grumet
Improve Your Performance – Meet Your Deadline
Whether facing an important corporate event, big test, sports competition, or a major life event, you need a personalized plan. You must address stress, attention , and sleep to meet, or even exceed your goals. I help you with all three. What are you preparing for? Corporate Meeting or Review A Big Test or Exam, …
A Psychiatrist Asks Three Questions About Sleep
As I see a new patient I want to know: Do you generally feel rested when you wake up and start the day? How long does it take you to fall asleep? How much total time do you spend in bed each day, and how much total time are you asleep? Each of these questions …
Dreams and the Big Bang from Sleep Advocate
Great post on Sleep Advocate website about Dreams and the Big Bang. The post suggests that dreams are primitive thoughts & emotions like the Universe after The Big Bang. And even when we awake the nighttime brain machinery influences us like those early cosmic forces. Click HERE to read the entire post.
Listening To Insomnia
One simple point about sleep difficulties, which we personalize as “Insomnia”: Consider it as a signal, a message, something that deserves your attention. If you are not falling asleep or staying asleep (and we know sleep is a vital function), then your body is telling you something. (Note: As a physician, my first concern is …
Applying Pascal’s Wager to Sleep to Reduce Risk of Dementia
Applying Pascal’s Wager to sleep to reduce the risk of dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, and other issues. Dr. Ross’ Wager: believe that better sleep reduces risk for brain damage. Click HERE to learn more about Sleep and Dementia: A Version of Pascal’s Wager.
Keep Calm and Meet Your Deadline
Are you facing a big test, sports competition, or a major life event? You need a personalized plan. You must address sleep, attention, and stress to meet your deadline. Click HERE to learn more about a Personal Prime Performance Plan and meet your deadline.
Decisions to Stop Medication
People stop medication; that’s a fact of life. I want to show how this impacts the physician or therapist. What swirls through my mind/brain when a patient tells me he or she is thinking about stopping a medicine? First, has she already stopped it and is just giving me a heads up? Second, what will …
A Sense of Awe
I have been reading the Steven Pinker’s “The Sense of Style” and he quotes Richard Dawkins: We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born… because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA so massively …
New Year’s Resolutions: Why?
Why do we promote and participate in January 1 Resolutions? We could have started doing whatever it is a month ago and be well into this better way of life by now. The issue could be a plan to improve sleep, lose weight, write a blog, show love, or bring about any other future. A …
Welcome to my blog. Check back often as I will be posting on areas of interest on psychiatry and other topics.